Hack of IKEA's Frosta stool

In november 2012, Core77 made an article on their blog about one of my projects, a collection of 3D printed lampshades made to repair IKEA lamps. At the end of the page, the writer (Ray) made a suggestion :

"Where Andreas Bhend's recently-seen IKEA hacks included instructions à la the Swedish furniture giant's pictographic booklets, Bernier has seen fit to customize a part of the whole. But if they're disparate yet equally creative approaches to DIY making, perhaps the next step is for the two to join forces: Andreas, if you're reading this, we'd love to see you guys collaborate on a series of IKEA hacks with bespoke 3D printed parts and instructions..."

That's exactly what we did.

Andreas is a student in the east of Switzerland while I work full time for le FabShop, a 3D printing startup in Paris (France).
We didn't know each other, but were motivated by the project. Andreas took the train to Paris where we spent two days and a half doing this :

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Samuel N. Bernier
Industrial designer Paris, France