Koi Fish Salt n Pepper Shakers - The project was to re-design a dining table item. Using a theme from nature, capture the feeling and inspiration of your theme.
Aztec Clock Project - Project Goal: Take a perspective view of past trends and cultures to create a new and fresh perspective of your movement. Project Objectives: Do research of your time period and the methods of time keeping. Present in 2D sketches, 3D sketches, CAD and finished final. Personal Experience: I really struggled on this project for the simple fact that I did not have a lot of passion for the Aztec time period. I am proud of final project because of the struggles I endured.
Cardboard Chair Project - Design a fully functional, ready to assemble chair prototype form one sheet of corrugated cardboard.
Cardboard Chair Project - Using correct structural methods, design a cardboard chair using a 4'x8' sheet of cardboard. Nothing but cardboard allowed to be used.
Cardboard Chair Project - Using correct structural methods, design a cardboard chair using a 4'x8' sheet of cardboard. Nothing but cardboard allowed to be used.
Handtool Project - Do functional research on a hand tool of choice, then redesign it to the ergonomic standards of your own hand.
Hand Tool Project
Hairbrush with Hand
Industrial Design Studio