Studies: Elevation drawing of Coconut. 1:1
Studies: Section drawing of coconut. 1:1
Studies: Plan drawing of the coconut. 1:1
Studies: 30 minute drawing I.
Studies: 30 minute drawing II.
Plan view of final iteration.
Studies and sketches of the coconut. On the right - plan, section, elevation; top center- 30 minute studies; top left- iteration; bottom left & bottom center- final iterations for coconut project.
Materials sampling; images of coconut piece in process.
Final: detail shot.
Final: detail shot.
Final: detail shot.
Coconut Project

The purpose of this project was to find the essence of a fruit/vegetable and represent it in an object fashioned in the wood/metal shop. I chose to do the coconut. The essence of the coconut is found in the contrasting qualities of the interior and exterior. The interior is a smooth, white, edible material while the exterior is a hard, hairy, brown, heavily textured outside. A second important characteristic of the essence is the tropical context in which coconuts are naturally found. I portrayed the contrasting aspect of the coconut through contrast between the geometric base and organic top piece, and the tropical aspect by making the base into an island.

Professor Mike Cindric
College of Design: First Year Experience
NC State University