Based on South African schooling statistics, an infographic poster relating to how the FET system needs to pull up their socks- meaning improve their standard.
Based on an everyday term used with children across the world by teachers, 'pull up your socks' means to pay more attention and become better. In this case the South African schooling shows a large drop out rate from Grade 10 to 12 and there is very little being done about it. The level of drop outs happens for various reasons; funding, having to support their other family members, the need to make money, drug use, gang relation or pregnancy.
Something needs to be done about this problem. The less individuals that pass matric, mean less individuals enrolled in Universities and this leads to the unemployment rate increasing. When is education going to become a priority again?
Based on South African schooling statistics, an infographic poster relating to how the FET system needs to pull up their socks- meaning improve their standard.
Based on an everyday term used with children across the world by teachers, 'pull up your socks' means to pay more attention and become better. In this case the South African schooling shows a large drop out rate from Grade 10 to 12 and there is very little being done about it. The level of drop outs happens for various reasons; funding, having to support their other family members, the need to make money, drug use, gang relation or pregnancy.
Something needs to be done about this problem. The less individuals that pass matric, mean less individuals enrolled in Universities and this leads to the unemployment rate increasing. When is education going to become a priority again?