Graphic Tool - Graphic Translation • An illustration or graphic translation of a “bulldog clip” created from a photograph. The tool on the top left is done primarily in black and white to show the negative and positive spaces created within. The tool on the bottom right is in full gray scale and depicts a more realistic illustration of the bulldog clip. Both translations were created using only basic shapes drawn in Illustrator. (MSJ)
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Graphic Tool - Graphic Translation/Illustration (MSJ)
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Brady Bunch - Illustration • A “Brady Bunch” style portrait taken as an exercise in Photoshop. A free filter plug-in was downloaded and filters were placed on top of each portrait to create an abstract illustration. (MSJ)
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Media Exploration - Signage for an urban produce store (MSJ)
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Travel Egypt - Logo illustration (MSJ)
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Sunglasses - Graphic translation/illustrator (MSJ)
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