Merchandising Set I - Parasol Paradiso - Original art created in Illustrator
Merchandising Set I - Technicolor Zebra - Original art created in Illustrator
Merchandising Set I - Hex on You - Original art created in Illustrator
Merchandising Set I - Starburst - Original art created in Illustrator
Merch Set II - Hibiscus Dreamery - Tropical and Swimwear Textile Designs - Original design created in Illustrator
Merch Set III - Hungarian Embroidery - Created in Illustrator based on found piece of Hungarian embroidery and put into repeat
Junior-Contemporary Textile Designs

Merchandising Sets for the Junior-Contemporary Market

Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Sally Kathren
Apparel Graphics, Textile Design, Surface Design, Illustration, Fashion Graphics, Fashion... Portland, OR