Mercedes - Mercedes 3D Illustration created in Adobe Illustrator
Blade - Blade DVD Cover and DVD created in Adobe Photoshop
Join Together - Advertising Campaign to Stop Underage Drinking created using Adobe Photoshop and QuarkXpress
Fountainhead - Fountainhead book cover created using Adobe Photoshop
Germany - Germany Travel Poster and Brochure Set created in Adobe Photoshop
Applica, Inc. - Digital Signage - Posters and Brochure pages for Applica, Inc. These were originally created for InfoComm 2007 and then used as the foundation for the company's new identity.
Graphic Design
Graphic Design
Graphic Design
Graphic Design
Graphic Design
Graphic Design
Graphic Design
Graphic Design
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Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Annette Sage
Creative Solutions to Grow Your Business.™ - Sage Design Group