Cat Food Display

Cat Food Display - Abstract
The Cat food display was designed for IAMS (one of the famous cat food products in UK) based on a competition theme of PAVE the way, 3d Design Challenge.

Competition Theme
Design, develop, and construct a branded store fixture (no larger than 36-inch square footprint and 60 inches high) to display PET-SPECIFIC ACCESSORIES AND/OR PET CARE PRODUCT. The fixture should
communicate the attributes of the merchandise that it houses and highlights. You may choose any species: dogs, cats, fish, birds, horses, reptiles, or any pet. Your design solution should be concise and constructed with care and professionalism.
You may choose an existing brand, choose multiple brands, or create your own brand to display.
We encourage you to let your imagination run free!

Sagar Kanase
Product Designer Coventry, United Kingdom