A specified nail gun designed for the shoe repairing industry. Combining tools and methods in a compact nail gun to help cobblers repair shoes quickly and efficiently.
A specified nail gun designed for the shoe repairing industry. Combining tools and methods in a compact nail gun to help cobblers repair shoes quickly and efficiently.
A specified nail gun designed for the shoe repairing industry. Combining tools and methods in a compact nail gun to help cobblers repair shoes quickly and efficiently.
A specified nail gun designed for the shoe repairing industry. Combining tools and methods in a compact nail gun to help cobblers repair shoes quickly and efficiently.
Shoe Repair - Final Major Project

S3 - Cobbler's Nail Gun

A nail gun with a quick release magazine comprising of 3 various sized nail that ensure accurate fixings and quicker repair times for the shoe repairer.

Sachin Surti
Experience Graphic and Product Designer Leicester, United Kingdom