Overview screen of the agronomic data editor. I choose to use semi-bold header colors to establish a link between certain data type-tables that would extend across all screens and help with recognition. Due to this application's utility to Agronomists as a hub of hundreds or thousands of incoming data sets from the field, organization and tracking was a key requirement. The important design parameters include: clarity (what am I looking at), consistent visual organization (clean, clearly defined, actionable), and consistent and clear workflows-since this is a data editing utility, workflows dictated much of the design.
Editor screen of the agronomic data editor. This tool adds a large map screen to view edits, which are controlled in the adjacent cards. I created easy to read stats and a histogram for assisting the data editing process. (Typically the large amount of white space is filled with data sets, this example renders the screen with lots of empty space for that reason).
Mockup of an Admin site Administration for the suite of software including controls for companies, users, data, roles/capabilities, and APIs. Because this is part of a software suite, the visual design is on par with other elements of the suite (with some refinement on this mockup). The challenge was accommodating for many different types of controls (adding/editing users vs. adding/editing companies, APIs, etc) all within the same structure and consistent and understandable workflow.
Dashboard/landing page design for the software suite. This is a stand alone screen intended simply as the first point of contact for established users.
Mobile Application: Rover Sampling App. This app tool assists in creating and logging agronomic field data, and seamlessly transferring data to 3rd party systems. Users typically would be in the field on all-terrain-vehicles, so usability design was based on this theater.
Mobile Application: Rover Sampling App. Simple gestures for selection and syncing
Mobile Application: Rover Sampling App. Map screens with tools and icons
Web Application Design

Here are some examples of my recent work, specifically web design (mostly desktop applications) for agronomic data tools. These tools ingest a myriad of data types, offer tools to clean and edit data, and spatially organize for use in further analysis.