Crepundia Felis Monogrammus

This piece was created for the Jinxed Philadelphia Munnyworld show. The initial platform was a Kidrobot Trikky. Rather than add to or subtract from the platform the base piece was used as inspiration and defined the limiting parameters for the work. The skeletal construction was designed and built to fit within the given frame of the Trikky platform.

The piece was constructed using various techniques starting with an 360 degree image capture of the raw platform. Then a 3d model was constructed to those shapes and proportions. The next step was to 3d print the parts many of which were further carved and sculpted by hand. The individual parts were painted with monsterkolor paints and a patina was added with a few layers of brown and black shoe polish. The framework for this piece is soldered brass, it took two days to construct, mount and securely fasten all the pieces in place. The piece is housed in a glass bell jar with a hand turned base and custom dedication plaque.

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Ryan Rutherford
Design, Manufacturing, Education Lambertville, NJ