Ball of Light, 2013. The camera settings I used 1/800 shutter speed and an ISO of 200. In photoshop I did shadows and highlights I think this made the image a lot better and it looks enhanced because it makes the ball of light stand out much more.
Water Ballon, 2013. In photoshop I used shadows and color filter, shadows made it look gloomy and the color made the light red ballon blend in with the shadows and I think it enhanced the image.
Water Ballon, 2013. In photoshop the affects i used to enhance the image are photo filter, cool filter and it gave the image a cool blue looking affect to enhance the image.
Light Collage, 2013. I applied 4 different drawings to create my collage. I applied the brush tool to apply color and I used ripple affects and other filters to enhance the light drawings. I enhanced them so they look like letters and I think it made a cool enhancement.
Shutter Speed

Shutter speed is how long in seconds it takes a camera to take a picture. The faster the shutter speed the quicker the picture takes so a fast shutter takes a picture quickly and slow shutter speed takes a picture in a longer amount of time.

Ryan Ruban
Baseline Assessment Jackson, NJ