Color, 2013: This best represents color because it shows multiple different colors. Brightness/Contrast, Exposer, vibrance, and saturation were all used
Line, 2013: This best represents line because of all the different straws of grass. Brightness/Contrast, Exposure, Vibrance, and Saturation were all used to edit this picture
Texture, 2013 This best represents texture because of the bumps and cracks on the bricks. Brightness/Contrast, Vibrance, Exposure, Offset, Saturation were all used to edit the image.
Shape, 2013 This best represents shape because of the way the flag is sitting. Brightness/Contrast, Exposure, Gamma Correction, Vibrance, Saturation were all used to edit the image.
Space, 2013: This best represents shape because of all the open area behind the image. Brightness, contrast, vibrance, and saturation were all used to edit this image.
Value, 2013 This best represents value because it was turned black and white. The black and white option was used to edit this image
Elements of Art

Elements of art photos:

Ryan Grant
Photography Student Jersey City, NJ