Cardboard Box Study: This was an ten hour intensive still life class project done for Drawing 111 at USC. The drawing was completed with multiple grades and weights of graphite pencil and charcoal on a 18x24 sheet of bristol paper. The objective of the project was to study shadows, angles, and dimensions in two dimensional drawings.
Paper Bag Study: This was an eight to ten hour intensive still life class project done for Drawing 111 at USC. This drawing was completed with multiple grades and weights of graphite pencil and charcoal on a 18x24 sheet of bristol paper. The objective of the project was to study shadows, angles, and dimensions in two dimensional drawings, while also capturing texture and detail.
30 Minute Gesture Study: This was a drawing done under a half hour time limit of a live model posed in front of the class for Drawing 111 at USC. Each student had a different view point as we were in different areas of the room. The purpose of this project was to sharpen our skills, teach us which elements to look at first, and increase the fluidity of our drawing technique. The work was done with various weights of graphite on an 18x24 sheet of bristol paper.
Natural Focus Study: This subjective focus still life was done for Color and Composition at USC. The objective of this study was to emphasize on one area of the still life, while still paying close attention to the other areas and including detail to a certain extent. The main focus was to be prominent and more developed than the other aspects of the still life, but detail was to be included in the most minimal way by using line weights and contrast. The work was done with various weights of graphite pencils on an 18x24 sheet of bristol paper.
Texture Study: This study was done in Color and Composition at the University of South Carolina. The objective of this study was to focus on the shades and shapes that made up the texture, and use contrast to my advantage. The work was done in charcoal and conté crayon on an 18x24 sheet of bristol paper.
Negative Space Study: These two works were negative space india ink still lives done for Color and Composition at USC. The study focused on the negative space that gives objects dimensionality and density, as opposed to simple outlines and details.
Drawing and Sketching

This is a correlation of drawing projects I have done from my final years in high school to my more recent times in college at USC. There is a variety of multimedium work, mostly composed of ink and graphite drawing.

Ryan Davidson
Graphic Design Intern at Straight Up Southern, LLC Columbia, SC