Remote control for secured presentation system glasses - Product: Remote control for secured presentation system glasses. (Top Vision Group , The Netherlands).
Input: Conceptual design, Styling, Engineering, Presentation.

Display for secured presentation of sun glasses - Product: Display for secured presentation of sun glasses. (Top Vision Group, The Netherlands).
Input: Conceptual design, 3D modelling, Engineering, Protoyping.

Display for secured presentation of sun glasses - Product: Display for secured presentation of sun glasses. (Top Vision Group, The Netherlands).
Input: Conceptual design, 3D modelling, Engineering, Protoyping.

Private Label display for secured presentation of sun glasses - Product: Display for secured presentation of sun glasses. (Nike Vision, TVG, The Netherlands).
Input: Conceptual design, Prototyping, Engineering, Production guidance.

Technical drawings for secured display sun glasses - Technical drawings for secured display sun glasses. (Nike Vision, The Netherlands).

User manual for secured display sun glasses - User manual for secured display sun glasses. (Nike Vision, The Netherlands).

Signing Petit Cafe - Product: Signing Petit Cafe Albron (Albron, The Netherlands).
Input: Research, Conceptual design, Routing in shops.

Dispencer Demak ´Up - Product: Dispencer Demak ´Up. (Georgia Pacific, Demak ´Up, The Netherlands).
Input: Concept design, Engineering.

Vandal proof parking information sign - Product: Vandal proof parking information sign. (PBR, The Netherlands).
Input: Conceptual design, Prototyping, Engineering, Testing, Production guidance.

Business gift for Olympics 2000 - Product: Business gift for Olympics 2000. (Korteland & Partners, The Netherlands).
Input: Conceptual design, Presentations.