Intranet Application - Designed and created UI of the intranet applications both for the organization and client. Implementation of the design along with the development as also monitored by me
Intranet Application - Designed and created UI of the intranet applications both for the organization and client. Implementation of the design along with the development as also monitored by me
Intranet Application - Designed and created UI of the intranet applications both for the organization and client. Implementation of the design along with the development as also monitored by me
Intranet Application - Designed and created UI of the intranet applications both for the organization and client. Implementation of the design along with the development as also monitored by me
Intranet Application - Designed and created UI of the intranet applications both for the organization and client. Implementation of the design along with the development as also monitored by me
Web Applications

My work as a Visual Designer

Rupesh Mathur
Sr. UX Analyst Hyderabad, India