Motorcycle freehand rendering - Use marker and color pencil (air brush)
Recycle Bin Redesign - Some inspiration and rough sketches for the "10 touch point" competition which is Redesign facilities in Singapore
Recycle Bin Redesign - Some inspiration and rough sketches for the "10 touch point" competition which is Redesign facilities in Singapore
Marker rendering - Some practice of Marker rendering skill
Furniture Design rough skeches - Furniture Design in Singapore 2007- Theme"tension"
Furniture Design rough skeches - Furniture Design in Singapore 2007- Theme"tension"
Air mover - The fan has interesting outlook which is disappearing of engine part and hollow the motor and all mechanical details.
future concept vehicle
form development
future concept car
futuristic concept car design
Ge Ruixi
My mini working office Guangzhou Shi, China