Gill Sans - This poster needed to include both alphabets, numerals, and two punctuation marks. It highlighted certain elements that make this particular face unique. The upper case M is emphasized because its an example of this face's geometrical structure. By enlarging the lower case g and placing the exclamation point withing its counter space, a bulls eye is created. This draws the viewer's attention to the letter. These colors were chosen to reflect Gill San's playfullness.
Gill Sans as copy - Although originally created to function in upper case, this humanist font exhibits legibility due to its well-crafted grid structure. The two story lower case a and g, assist in overall readability.
Upper Case - The M is enlarged to showcase Gill San's rudimentary square-based grid structure. Modeled after the classic type design of the Romans, this font is gorgeous when set in all caps.
Typographic Poster
Ryan Stokes
Graphic Designer Pleasant Hill, CA