Personal Logo V3 - This is another personal logo I've designed. This is one of my favorites. I used the spectrum of colors to represent the nature of design in general. I also feel the colors and cursive type convey my own aesthetic and personality. cute and me, haha :) (c) 2008 Rosa Gonzalez. All Rights Reserved.
Personal Logo V2 - Another personal logo concept. I played on the more literal aspect of my name, Rosa meaning 'Rose' in spanish. Keeping it colorful and fun as usual, but clean and professional at the same time. (c)2008 Rosa Gonzalez. All Rights Reserved.
Dr.James R. Baugh Logo - Therapeutic coaching is about helping someone achieve their personal goals and feel fulfilled in certain aspects of life. The therapeutic coach helps people get to their goals by providing the advice or 'missing puzzle pieces' they need to feel complete. The sunburst in the mark emphasizes successful completion of the puzzle. (c) 2008 Rosa Gonzalez. All Rights Reserved.
Dr.James R. Baugh Branding Styleguide - (c) 2008 Rosa Gonzalez. All Rights Reserved.
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MFMBA - Stationery - (c)2008 Rosa Gonzalez. All rights reserved.
MFMBA Logo - ©2008 Rosa Gonzalez. All Rights Reserved. Logo
Logos & Branding
Rosa Gonzalez
Creative Web Professional Canton, GA