Swedish Jewellers Redesign - This was a Photoshop mock up that I created in 3 hours from concept to completion. The design was never used, but it was an enjoyable project to work on.
King's Bicycles - School assignment. I had to build a website that would increase bike sales to the 55-70 demographic. I wanted the site to give a sense of space and calm. I knew having a product driven site would not work, as people within this age group are more inclined to buy a bike in person, rather than over the internet. With this in mind I wanted to encourage a sense of friendship and community, knowing that with trust and friendship, the sales and word of mouth would come naturally.
Curiousface.com - www.curiousface.com This was my first customized WordPress theme. I was given a lot of creative control, but I had a few limitations, as the artwork that makes up the background needed to be used. I chose to use these images as the main colour theme as well. I also helped set up the back end with modules, pages, and analytics.
rorschach-design.com - This is the first version of my personal site. It was also my final portfolio for Guru Digital Arts College. I used CSS, Javascript, and a bit of Flash to make it pretty. I am currently working on V2 of the site.
Site Design
Marc Davison
Editor/Reporter/Photographer/Graphic, Web and Print Designer Vermilion, AB