Untitled Woman
Dr. Maximillian Dottsperinsch - Dr. Max was a character design that I created for an Alternative Reality Game put together by Guru Digital Art College as their debut entry in 'The Works' an annual art and design festival in Edmonton.
Cinderella as intended. - With the exception of Dr. Max, who's an actual character design, the rest of these images were just a way for em to have fun and experiment.
Dreams of Alice - With the exception of Dr. Max, who's an actual character design, the rest of these images were just a way for em to have fun and experiment.
Animal Task Force Silhouette - With the exception of Dr. Max, who's an actual character design, the rest of these images were just a way for em to have fun and experiment.
My godson ala Warhol
Self Portrait 1
Self Portrait 2
Graphic Design
Marc Davison
Editor/Reporter/Photographer/Graphic, Web and Print Designer Vermilion, AB