Sequential Art Sequential Art from Rori de Rien Sequential Art Sequential art from various projects. All inked with traditional brush. Pages from my comic We're Only Gonna Die! Pages from my comic We're Only Gonna Die! Pages from my comic We're Only Gonna Die! Path of the Black Hand, Story by Adron Buske. Pencils, inks and inkwash tones by me. Path of the Black Hand, Story by Adron Buske. Pencils, inks and inkwash tones by me. Path of the Black Hand, Story by Adron Buske. Pencils, inks and inkwash tones by me. Path of the Black Hand, Story by Adron Buske. Pencils, inks and inkwash tones by me. gLike Sequential Art Sequential art from various projects. All inked with traditional brush. Illustrator Illustration Share R 7 n Rori de Rien Illustrator St. Louis, MO Follow Contact