Pills Awareness - Objective: A poster designed to raise awareness to the growing problem of prescription drugs and pills in general. The idea is for the reader to be a little more hesitant about taking pills just because of a simple headache or simply because their doctor prescribes them something.
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Pepsi Refreshed - Objective: I wanted to redesign Pepsi’s logo because I feel they could have gone a different route with their refreshing the brand. I then designed a poster or magazine ad for Pepsi and their Refresh Project.
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Pro Death Penalty - Objective: This poster was designed to persuade the viewers that are against the Death Penalty to be for it. The names in the background are actual serial killer victims names as well as some dates of their untimely deaths.
R.Jr Design Stationary - Objective: To design an identity system for R.Jr Design. Execution: The name R.Jr was subtly contsructed into the mark. The design of this mark is iconic and very versatile in its ease of recognition no matter the size or whether it is colored or black and white.
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White Shadow - Objective: Design a mark and business card for the growing custom fashion line White Shadow. Execution: The mark is stylish and can be interpreted as many different things. The card represents the companies base city and the originality of the designers within White Shadow.
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Westside Contracting - Objective: Design a mark and business card for the newly forming Westside Contracting. Execution: The mark is to the point, no fluffs or flurries you know exactly what type of work Westside Contracting does. The business card represents this same idea.
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Sport Speedstick - Objective: The Sport Speedstick is a Special Edition stick aimed toward athletes of all types. This edition is specifically designed for each athletes sport and to keep them smelling clean through the most rigorous of conditions. Each stick is tailored to a specific sport.
Rair Brand Standard - Objective: This piece is for the fictional company Rair. Rair manufactures the most comfortable chairs on Earth, so comfortable its like sitting on air. Execution: The slant to the layout is to represent Rair's laid back approach to everyday life and their overall uniqueness. When I created the Mark for Rair I wanted it to feel soft, but strong, prestigious, and modern.
Feed The Hungry - Objective: A poster for the made-up company Feed The Hungry. This poster was designed to be taken seriously, but not to come off too strong pushing the reader away like modern day commercials and posters for these organizations do. The viewer should be motivated and enthused to help by telling them to "Be a Hero Save a Life." One day I would like to make this company a reality.
Beauty of Bembo - Objective: This piece shows the beauty, heritage and serenity of the Bembo typeface. Execution: The center alignment and restrained number of type sizes and weights calls to mind old, traditional ads. The deep red leather texture, gold gradient type and light gold flourishes represent the elegance and heritage of the Bembo typeface.
"Heart of God" Book Cover - Objective: A book cover designed for "From the Heart of God Learning Center." Execution: The client wanted God to be the focus so I blew his name up and made it White to represent purity. I made a heart for the O and chose Red for its color to represent love. I used a light Blue for the background to give the feel of calmness and to represent the Heavens.
Swee TEA Magazine Ad - This is a magazine ad for the company Swee TEA.
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My Portfolio
Ron Smedley
Freelancing Covington, KY