If - 2 options for sermon series - 2 seperate (and completely different) comps for an Easter season sermon series titled "if".
If - 2 options for sermon series
iServe Poster - Printed 30x40 and installed in clear frames at entrances of the church. This poster was designed in support of a month long series on servanthood, ending with a special service where church members left the church building and volunteered in the community.
Rated M for Mature - Designed for a 5 week series based on the attributes that determine ratings for video games (and movies, etc.): blood, sex, violence, language. A reworked version of the ESRB logo is part of this package (The logo is the first successful thing I've ever done in Illustrator!)
In God We Trust - This graphic was created to support a month long series by the same name. The label at the bottom was changed weekly to reflect the specific sermon title. Additionally, other supporting graphics were part of the project, including Powerpoint background graphics (1024x768) and full color newspaper advertising.
Gather, Grow, Give - Posters, slides, and bulletin inserts in support of the sermon series "Gather, Grow, Give." Stoplight photograph is from iStockphoto.com, and had to be color-adjusted to make all of the lights come on at one time.
"The Road" Sermon Series Graphics - This graphic anchored the marketing for a month-long series called 'The Road.' Additionally, newspaper banner ads and powerpoint sermon slides were produced.
iServe Card for Seat Pockets - This card was used in church to recruit volunteers. The list of available positions can be updated easily.
Rated M for Mature - Designed for a 5 week series based on the attributes that determine ratings for video games (and movies, etc.): blood, sex, violence, language. A reworked version of the ESRB logo is part of this package (The logo is the first successful thing I've ever done in Illustrator!)
Rated M for Mature - Designed for a 5 week series based on the attributes that determine ratings for video games (and movies, etc.): blood, sex, violence, language. A reworked version of the ESRB logo is part of this package (The logo is the first successful thing I've ever done in Illustrator!)
Church on Wheels - This graphic was part of a presentation at a regional conference on outreach. The requirements were to create graphics that conveyed the presenters interest in 'unconventional' outreach techniques, including the use of an ice cream truck as a tool for evangelism. The title of the presentation was imposed on the truck and supporting powerpoint slides and a full color handout were created.
iPray Sermon Series Graphics - Graphics for posters and collateral in support of the iPray sermon series at New Covenant Church.
iServe T-Shirt Graphic - This graphic was used to generate 600+ green t-shirts in support of a day of serving during the iServe sermon series.
iServe T-Shirt promotional slide - Slide used in promoting the sale of the iServe t-shirt.
Great Debate - A set of graphics for a series that featured two pastors on stage at once, in a debate format, presenting the 'World View' and 'God's View' on various issues prior to the Presidential Election of 2008.
'Whom Will You Serve?' Series
Church Series Graphics
Rocky Russell
Design Elements for Ministry. Waynesville, NC