Metro project 2050

Transport for London (TfL) runs the UK capital’s movement of people and goods. This year it is celebrating The Year of the Bus 1914 – 2014.
Horsed, electric and mechanised buses were all developed in London. Sixty years ago, London Transport launched the iconic RouteMaster. London Transport Museum’s 2014 exhibition – Goodbye Piccadilly – recalls the bus in the Great War, and last year saw the green New Bus for London.
Today’s bus is part of the city’s multi-modal journey, with car, cab, bike, tube and foot. Tomorrow’s bus will refine the urban journey, through fast-changing technology, personal information interface and our connection inside and out - the user experience.
The bus is the lifeblood of London’s streets. It is today’s public service vehicle (PSV). What is its future?

Freelance, Full-time
Matthew Robson
Automotive Designer London, United Kingdom