This is a high fidelity prototype of the Shuffle Stack App, showing the home screen, sign-up, and scanning screen.
This is a view conversely of the often used apps screen, allowing the user to view their app usage, and modify the app layout based on the information.
This is a view of the scan results, filtered to 'never used' apps, allowing the user to view their app usage, and modify the app layout based on the information. The list populates after scanning the users device, and presents the user with 3 options for each app listed; Delete, Mark, and Shuffle.
Here is a view of the habits tab screen, allowing the user to view their app usage, and modify the app layout based on the information.
Here is the shuffle options screen, which visualizes different ways to sort apps, and allows the user modify the app layout by selecting the example. The app then closes, and the resorted home screen would be immediately visible to the user.
Here is a view of the menu screen, the user can select the tabs to view their account and the shuffle stack app details.
Shuffle Stack App Concept

Shuffle Stack App Concept;
This is a user interface project I designed in Axure, it's an app that would scan the users mobile device and allow the user to re-organize his/her apps based on the resulting data.

Uses for Shuffle Stack
- Removes your unused apps
- Scans to find unused apps
- Can remove apps manually or automatically
- Sorts apps by use

Robert Smith
Visual and UX Designer Madison, AL