A Better Way To Get Omega-3's - Winner: 2009 AAB Student ADDY Awards. A three ad campaign for print magazines.
A Better Way To Get Omega-3's - Winner: 2009 AAB Student ADDY Awards. A three ad campaign for print magazines.
A Better Way To Get Omega-3's - Winner: 2009 AAB Student ADDY Awards. A three ad campaign for print magazines.
Investus Ad- Invest Wisely - This ad is aimed at near retirees, running in magazines like AARP. This is a good example of my Photoshop abilities, creating the complex image on the right based off of my original concept based on the "cheap swamp land" for sale theme.
Working Liver Ad - Responsible for illustration, copywriting & design of veterinary liver health supplement advertisement.
Robert Gillespie
Concepts, Creative, Print Baltimore, MD