Hair by Whitney- I designed a facebook ad in Photoshop.
Advocates for Faith and Freedom- I created the composition for their rebranded website. The purpose of their site is to educate people on issues and cases concerning religious liberty, increase donations, and communicate news. I was driving at a professional design with a serious mission, and yet evoking a positive emotion.
Karen England- I created the layout for her new website promoting her campaign for President of the California Republican Assembly.
Christina Morassi- I created a new website banner for her site.
Sirin Web Group Design Comps.

I have had the opportunity at the Sirin Web Group to be involved in both the branding and creation of new sites as well as updating and redesigning old sites. My projects included content management, new banners, template backgrounds, and navigation elements, as well as social media and email updates.

Robert Canfield
Graphic Designer Hartford, CT