Website Header - This is the header image for my website. It is a merging of the representation of the orb with a robotic extending arm at the end of which is my face.
Disconnecting Rear Fender - This image is a compilation of sketches where I explored various methods of connecting/disconnecting a rear fender to a bicycle.
Motorcycle Sketch -2 view - This motorcycle was a quick sketch featuring a feeling of brutal strength through the use of engine components crammed in, one on top of the other.
Three Mountain Bike Stems - Profile view of three MTB stem ideas which features slight variations.
MTB Brake Lever/Master Cylinder - Exploration sketches of a brake lever for mountain bike. These levers include the idea of an easily exchanged brake fluid capsule for the master cylinder.
USB-Carabiner - These images are a combination of Solidworks, Hypershot, Illustrator, and Photoshop, to illustrate the usb-carabiner idea concept.
Swingarm Option - This is a sketch of a mountain bike frame featuring a variation of a rocker arm for the suspension mechanism.
Compact Drill Concept - Tech Page
Spatula - Technical info on orthographic sketch along with Solidworks CAD/ Hypershot Rendered images
Wind Turbine Ideation and Possibility Generation
Quick Bag Sketch - Here's a quick sketch of a bag just to warm up the drawing machine (my arm and brain). Also needed a dose of some Chartpak Ad markers...better open a window.
Carabiner USB drive
Random bike parts
Bicycle stems-generating ideas
A-pillar display device
Analog Chronometer (aka watch) - This is a quick sketch I made of a watch for sketching-warm up purposes.
Latest sketches
Robert Bynum
Industrial Designer New York, NY