Product brand identity by Hornall Anderson.
Marketing website: details about calling features.
Sign up for service: Introduction.
Sign up for service flow / Step 1: Register your phone adapter.
Sign up for service flow / Step 2: Choose your calling plan.
Sign up for service flow / Step 3: Select your phone number.
Sign up for service flow / Step 4: Check if 911 service is available.
Sign up for service flow / Step 4: Confirmation that 911 service is available.
Sign up for service flow / Step 5: Enter your account information.
Sign up for service flow / Step 5: Enter your payment information.
Sign up for service flow / Step 6: Review and place your order.
Customer web portal: Dashboard.
Customer web portal: Phone settings.
Customer web portal: Changing a phone setting.
Customer persona and usage scenario.
Customer persona and usage scenario.
How an incoming call is routed given a customer's phone settings.
Object model of phone system from end-user's perspective.
Speakeasy Voice Web App

Speakeasy Voice was a home phone service offered by Best Buy allowing subscribers to make calls using their Internet connection. I was responsible for customer personas, information architecture and interaction design for the web portal used to sign up for service and manage phone settings. Final visual design was handled by Hornall Anderson and Best Buy.

Randy Moss
User Experience Designer Seattle, WA