Cinque Communications (designs by Rebecca Buning) - This is my personal logo for my freelance business.
Corporate Wellness Program - This is a logo for a corporate wellness program. The logo is used on company website, newsletter, promotional items, etc.
Pie Label - A new product (baby pies), promoted to new families and gift suppliers.
Pie Label - A new product (baby pies), promoted to new families and gift suppliers.
Logo Concept
Logo Concept - Logo concept for a high end construction company.
Logo Concept
Logo Concept
River City Biker - Create the River City Biker logo. Being a start up company, we are currently building their brand around this logo.
River City Biker - Create the River City Biker logo. Being a start up company, we are currently building their brand around this logo.
Logos & Concepts
Rebecca Buning
Graphic Designer Grand Rapids, MI