Powerhouse Science Center white model - purpose: to decide how to build the interior of this gutted once-power station
Southern Ute Cultural Center & Museum model - purpose: to bring to 3D realization for client, based on floor plan draft of exhibit layout and flattened elevation drawings
Southern Ute Cultural Center & Museum model details
purpose: to analyze joint design details, ergonomic reading heights for banner and reading rail, relationship between graphic panels
Drafting - Final Design for SUCC&M - Vectorworks drawings from hand drawings, full-size models, scale models, photographs, graphics
The Henry Ford discussion model - travel sketch model for use with one gallery of the several-acre interior of The Henry Ford museum in Michigan.
Swaner EcoCenter drawings - marker line sketches rendered in Photoshop. check out the final exhibits! http://www.swanerecocenter.org/ecocenter/exhibits.html