Why We Shred - Shown here is a spread from a magazine project titled "Artifact". It is a zine based on youth culture in music, literature, photography, and other art. I designed and illustrated the entire layout with content contribution from friends.
Concept of Self - This was one of my first pieces on Photoshop. It is still one of my favorites.
Fair Trade Movement - Another spread from my magazine, "Artifact". The article is a brief summary of the current Fair Trade movement which gurantees coffee farmers fair pay for their labor and product.
Ramen Bar - Logo and signage created in a style guide for this ficticious Neo-Asian restaurant while studying abroad in Australia. Promotional flyer back and front shown on left side and business card shown on right.
Medium Clothing - A print advertisement for Medium Clothing, a pipedream a friend and I have of one day starting our own clothing company.