The sparkling Diva: Prosecco bottle

Shaping brand, product and product name to launch a new Italian Prosecco across clubs and bars in East-Asian markets

Envary was tasked to create a young-spirited Italian-origin Prosecco brand to be launched across East Asia (mainly South Korea, Hong Kong, China, Singapore). Challenged with finding a fruity and light flavored Prosecco suitable to the mainly sweet palate of female party goes across Asia, it was also crucial to establish a memorable brand name, a catchy visual identity and an iconic bottle design that could aesthetically celebrate the Brut, Rose and Moscato flavours to nightly club audiences. Throughout the development it was essential for us to collaborate with French/Italian bottle manufacturers as well as wineries, ensuring the brand would be authentic from vision to reality.

Designed by ENVARY (Roger Kellenberger & Stefan Ripperger)

Roger Kellenberger
Designs products helping to build stronger brands and better user... Hong Kong, Hong Kong