Rethinking the airport experience: Obsideon takes passengers into personal air space

The Obsideon pod is a convenient refuge from the hustle and bustle of airports. Designed to be a personal relaxation cocoon, it is helping travellers to bridge longer waiting times between flights, providing privacy, comfortability and the latest flight information. Offered as an additional service by the airline or as part of a signature airport service, the Obsideon Pod will be commonly located inside the terminal area and can be arranged in loose clusters.

Obsideon supports passengers on various needs: After logging in with their ticket code, users can relax, fall asleep without ‘wake-up’ worries or just spend their private time away from the noise of other travellers. The pod’s smooth shape and soothing natural materials ensure its being perceived as a place of calmness and relaxation, welcoming passengers to rest.

All in all, Obsideon helps airlines with greater brand differentiation, enhanced customer loyalty and a qualitatively improved customer travel experience.

Roger Kellenberger
Designs products helping to build stronger brands and better user... Hong Kong, Hong Kong