Local Motors Rally Pick-Up with Parallel Architecture

The project tries to achieve a car that combines the dynamics of the Local Motors Rally Fighter with the utility of a Pick-Up, by using Parallel Architecture.
With Parallel Architecture, the original V8 engine would be replaced with an inline-6 unit placed in the same position, in order to be as narrow as posible, so it will be possible to move forward the driver´s position and the cabin.
As the engine would keep its mid-centre position but the cabin is moved forward, the engine would now be placed below the central dashboard, in Parallel with the driver´s legs. At the same time, as there is not need to access the engine head area from the hood at the front, the base of the windscreen is moved forward and lowered down, maximizing cabin volume, driver´s visibility and the aerodynamics of the car.
Therefore the rear area behind the driver would increase, maximizing cargo space, and a removable rear roof would transform the car into a Pick-Up, further improving its utility.

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rjuanatey Design
Freelance Transportation Designer Sevilla, Spain