Stop Female Foeticide - This campaign was based on the problem of female foeticide in India. After a thorough research of over 6 months and never ending constructive criticism, I was able to come down to the thought of emphasizing the achievements of major Indian women and how they're actions have effected India as we know it. By portraying their absence if they were also to have been killed at birth, i wanted to induce a sense of understanding amongst people so as to believe that even they're daughter might have the capability of being some one great one day.
Stop Female Foeticide - This campaign was based on the problem of female foeticide in India. After a thorough research of over 6 months and never ending constructive criticism, I was able to come down to the thought of emphasizing the achievements of major Indian women and how they're actions have effected India as we know it. By portraying their absence if they were also to have been killed at birth, i wanted to induce a sense of understanding amongst people so as to believe that even they're daughter might have the capability of being some one great one day.
Stop Female Foeticide - This campaign was based on the problem of female foeticide in India. After a thorough research of over 6 months and never ending constructive criticism, I was able to come down to the thought of emphasizing the achievements of major Indian women and how they're actions have effected India as we know it. By portraying their absence if they were also to have been killed at birth, i wanted to induce a sense of understanding amongst people so as to believe that even they're daughter might have the capability of being some one great one day.
Water is Life - A part of an international poster designing competition held in Berlin (Germany). I thought of writing the sentence 'water is life' in different languages and bring them together in the form of a globe to announce the sense of unity and how we all need to voice this together that water is the very essence of life and that it should be cared and conserved or else one day it will all be gone.