A family of dishes spawned from early explorations into coffee cup and saucer combinations.
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As rounds of sketches were completed, a unified form language was established before moving into physical models.
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As models were made and refined, both organic and geometric forms were explored, and combined. By looking at which forms and ideas were successful, it was clear that geometric forms should be further explored.
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From these models, different pieces were added until a full family of dishware was created.
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Intersecting geometries are used to create usable features on the dishes. This use of variation in shape allows each piece to be unique, while still maintaining a family identity through their combinations of simple forms.
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The blending one shape to another creates forms which are unique, and purposeful. Touch point details mimic the outer shape of the piece, and act as vents for larger voids during the firing process.
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Creating a new set of dishes to shatter the archetype.

Justin Riehl
Industrial Designer Bellingham, WA