It is more economically viable to manufacture a new shipping container than to ship empty containers back to be reused. During this twelve week group project, my class and I looked at ways that the shipping container itself could be redesigned to cater to an extended product life, while still keeping the functionality of shipping, or even improving it.
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Eightx8 replaces the standard shipping containers with a set of frames that fit within the existing infrastructure. Five eight foot cubes would equal one 40 foot shipping container. This frame structure supports a modular wall system that could be fully customizable to whatever purpose the structure is needed for.
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My group focused on a small scale medical clinic application. This could be used in areas of disaster for quick relief, in areas too poor to build a full hospital, or even as a temporary site for large gatherings.
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Creating scale physical models helped us get a sense of proportion, as well as allowed us to easily move parts around to explore different configurations.
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3D computer modeling allowed us to more completely realize materials, lighting, and work out details to fine for physical models.
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Redesign of the standard shipping container to have a longer product life cycle.

Justin Riehl
Industrial Designer Bellingham, WA