From Concept to PetSmat shelf in 61 DAYS... - I was the Creative Director and creator of all of the design/engineering. I created all of the drawings in RHINO and rendered them in 3D Max. I emailed the files to China to have the prototypes created.
This is a personal mister - The client need ultra fast real-world illustrations- thus I did this quick 3d "sketch"- Which helped the Client sell the idea to WalMart.
An End Table/ Coffe Table Design that expands and contracts
An End Table/ Coffe Table Design that expands and contracts
Food Container Studies - These were studies that I did for various food companies. From resealable drinking cups to reusable resealable eating bowls. Design is a "system" that is repeatable and scalable- so no mater what your discipline-- as long as you have mastered the "system" you can bring new design solutions to just about anything.
Classic Product Design
Ric Scott
Life has challenges and opportunities- My career has been turning... Los Angeles, CA