Super8ing - initial - Viewers of the webcasts from E3 arrived at a normal looking webpage...
Super8ing - activated - ...until one of the banner ads was clicked to launch a movable overlay allowing the user to view the site as if it was in Super 8 film.
FIAT - initial - Lauren Shehadi starts her regular broadcast - meanwhile there's an empty warehouse in the ad unit to the bottom right.
Fiat - activted - A speeding Fiat 500 zips across the page. Lauren looks down in surprise (actually pre-recored footage)
Fiat - final - The Fiat 500 drives into the empty warehouse in the ad unit.The overlay fades to the real page.
Marvel vs Capcom page disintegration - initial - The Gamespot page would start out looking like it does on any other day.
Marvel vs Capcom page disintegration - cracks appear - Cracks begin to appear in the page like breaking glass.
Marvel vs Capcom page disintegration - WHAM! - The fake page fully disintegrates as Wolverine appears. After 5 seconds the real page appears with the original data and skin.
Takeovers 1