Dell catalog - covers - A rotating webcam shows inspiration, falling/coffee mug splashing out conveys durability.
Dell catalog - back covers
Dell catalog - upgrading - The inside of the chassis conveys upgrading or overclocking etc.
Dell catalog - spread - Having to sell straight off straight out of the Dell catalog instead of a store, specific aspects of each computer are emphasized instead of the large box-like chassis.
Dell catalog - chip spread - AMD and Intel shared a spread but could not appear on the same page for legal reasons so I put them on the factory conveyor belt.
Dell catalog - laptop size comparison - Stacked laptops show a size comparison.
Dell print ad - The ability to overclock and individually upgrade parts of this high end gaming machine are emphasized in this print ad.
Dell print ad - The ability to overclock and individually upgrade parts of this high end gaming machine are emphasized in this print ad.
Dell print ad - Wired - This high end gaming machine used a water based cooling system to allow for intense activity. Gamers love technology so I showed how it worked in this print ad for Wired.