Ridemakerz Website
Design, develop and optimize a new corporate site to be used on top of the nopCommerce platform and work in tandem with a nopCommerce developer.
I am the design lead on this project and responsible for a lot of the creative thinking and strategy surrounding the site - how to boost traffic, engagement and sales. There are 3 phases to this project:
• Phase One - Add pre-built Ridez functionality to the company online store website and allow for one-click purchases. Completed Dec '12
• Phase Two - Detach the company site from Wordpress and redevelop in HTML. Combine new pages into existing nopCommerce platform to create one seamless website and online store. Completed Feb '13
• Phase Three - Create an entirely new site using the latest nopCommerce platform with the aim of increasing traffic, engagement and sales dramatically. Add new features and functionality that we have previously been unable to. Re-think the experience and create a new streamlined approach. In development.
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