The Real Thing - Projects that made it to production or prototype
The Real Thing - Projects that made it to production or prototype
The Real Thing - Projects that made it to production or prototype
The Real Thing - Projects that made it to production or prototype
The Real Thing - Projects that made it to production or prototype
Display Flex mdf
Display Flex mdf
Display Flex mdf
Display Flex mdf
Display Flex mdf
Styrene Stopper
Styrene Stopper
Styrene Stopper
Styrene Stopper
Coroplast Bike
Coroplast Bike
Coroplast Bike
Some gloryfiers
Some gloryfiers
Some gloryfiers
Some gloryfiers
Some gloryfiers
Some gloryfiers
Some gloryfiers
Some gloryfiers and projects
Some gloryfiers and projects
Some gloryfiers and projects
Some gloryfiers and projects
Some gloryfiers and projects
Some gloryfiers and projects
Some gloryfiers and projects
Some metal displays
Some metal displays
Some metal displays
Some metal displays
Random Pics
Freelance, Moonlighting
Raul Galindo
Industrial Designer Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico