Home page for www.re-nourish.org // (Illustration by Veronica Pham)
Multiple pages from www.re-nourish.org // (Illustrations by Veronica Pham)
Project Calculator
www.re-nourish.org mobile
www.re-nourish.org // Systems Thinking page// (Illustrations by Veronica Pham)
www.re-nourish.org // Design Strategies page// (Illustrations by Veronica Pham)
www.re-nourish.org // Design Strategies: Printing & Ink page // (Illustration by Veronica Pham)
www.re-nourish.org // Design Strategies: Paper & Packaging page // (Illustration by Veronica Pham)
www.re-nourish.org // Design Strategies: UI/UX page // (Illustration by Veronica Pham)
www.re-nourish.org // Design Strategies: Activism page // (Illustration by Veronica Pham)
Systems Thinking for the Graphic Designer 101: A Toolkit for Making Positive Impact (cover) // (Illustration by Veronica Pham)
Systems Thinking for the Graphic Designer 101: A Toolkit for Making Positive Impact (spread 1) // (Illustration by Veronica Pham)
Systems Thinking for the Graphic Designer 101: A Toolkit for Making Positive Impact (spread 2) // (Illustration by Veronica Pham)
Renourish business cards
Design to Renourish book
Onward Radio Podcast logo - onward.re-nourish.org
Guests for Season One of Onward Radio

Re-nourish is an online tool advocating awareness and action for sustainable systems thinking in the communication design community.

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Freelance, Moonlighting
Eric Benson
Associate Professor of Graphic Design at University of Illinois at... Urbana, IL