This is the finished product, the cyber-reindeer card. I made minor corrections in Adobe After Affects to give this a more cinematic look.
Background elements, built as a single panel of chamfered pyramids.
This is the website banner. I tiled the reindeers with the background pyramids (because both elements, foreground and background were flattened.) I got lucky, and they matched up with little hassle.
This view shows the elements that I used. They're grouped (colored) according to their system.
Another view which shows the elements that I used. They're grouped (colored) according to their system.
Here's a few of the lighting passes that I used. Ambient occlusive, shiny, and a line shader pass. The Color pass isn't shown here, but it was mostly a flat color pass.
Futek | Cyber Reindeer Greetings Card

A 4x6 holiday greetings card for mass mailing. I also created a website banner for the client based on the design.

The modeling was done in 3ds Max, the rendering passes were done in Maxwell, and the post production in After Affects.

Brian Haeger
Senior 3D Artist & Animator Austin, TX