Jumbo Patchwork Play Space - Soft fabric playmat with play features including teethers, mirror, crinkle, rattles, and musical flower. Large size mat encourages rolling, scooting, and crawling.
Jumbo Patchwork Play Space - Concepts - Concept Renderings for large playmat. Exploration of theme, textures, color, and pattern.
Jumbo Wheel Play Space - Circle playmat full of textures, sound, and play activities. Plenty of room to roll, scoot, sit, and play. Part of Infantino's launch of "Test Drive mom" campaign, an initiative developed to get firsthand product feedback from moms.
Jumbo Wheel Play Space - Concept Exploration - Fabric Mock-up and rendering for round playmat. Exploration of unique shape, fabrics, colors, and materials.
Compact for travel and storage
Infantino Playmats
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Regina Donovan
Senior Product Designer Hudson, OH