Culinary Art Magazine Cover - Magazine cover uses clean typography and powerful imagery to differentiate the magazine from its competitors.
Trinity National Bank Yellow Page Ad - A typical yellow page ad for a bank is one color with tons of text detialing the services of the bank. I wanted to create an ad that would immediately grab attention and stand out from the other ads. To achieve that, the ad was created emphasizing the phone number (since the ad is in the phone book not the newspaper) and in color with a white knock out.
Trinity National Bank Magazine Ad - Full color magazine ad targeting busy parents. Ad emphasizes the banks efforts to make banking convenient. Features a picture of the bank president to establish rapport with viewers.
Business Form - Business forms are often complicated and hard to use. To prevent this from happening to this deposit slip extra space was added between lines. This gives the user more room to write.
Toy Box Event Pass - Event pass was created to work as a ticket and a sourvenior after the event. Since the pass is to be worn during the event, a schedule of events was printed on the back. The landyard provided extra advertising space for sponors of the event.
Pringles Ad - 1/2 page magazine ad for travel magazine
Pringles Ad - 1/2 page magazine ad for travel magazine
Pringles Ad - 1/2 page magazine ad for travel magazine
Crayola Ad - The Crayola Ad series was created as an interactive ad for publication in children's magazine. The concept was to encourage children to complete the illustrations in the ad. When parents display the artwork, they would display the ads as well.
Crayola Ad - The Crayola Ad series was created as an interactive ad for publication in children's magazine. The concept was to encourage children to complete the illustrations in the ad. When parents display the artwork, they would display the ads as well.
Crayola Ad - The Crayola Ad series was created as an interactive ad for publication in children's magazine. The concept was to encourage children to complete the illustrations in the ad. When parents display the artwork, they would display the ads as well.
Gridiron Clutch
Trinity National Bank - Letterhead and business card design reflect the conversation nature of a financial institution.
Jon Doyle Business Card - The project was to create an unconventional business card. Making a transperant plastic package, which when flat is the size of a standard business card, to display a card with Jon's information created a memorable business card.
Vehicle Graphics - This is an example of the flexiblity of the logo.
Billboard - The concept behind this project was to communicate the thrill of an amusement park as quickly as possible. Because the viewers would be driving by the billboard at 60 mph, the illustration had to communicate the message without a lot of copywriting. Project included the logo, the illustration, the copywriting, and the billboard design.
Student Work
Rebecca W Gallardo
Graphic Designer Houston, TX