Sport Monster Series for Hanna - Very well received. Big seller.

Action Monster - YeeHaaa!

Summer Camp Series

Christmas Series

Retro Toddler Appliques

Big Letter Series

Holiday Graphics - What?

Snow Dawg - My dog's secret dream.

Animal Sport Series for Fred Meyer. For legal reasons, I had to change "One Tough Monkey" to "One Punch Monkey." Not as funny.

Sport Tees - !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wild Animal Series - Multi layered Photoshop fun

Big Bug Graphic - The title is exactly what the brief called for.

Surf Series for Hanna - Summer time kid graphics

Surf Series for Fred Meyer - More summertime kid graphics

Boys Graphic for Dick's Sporting Goods - Sadly, this one was never made.

KaPow - Comic book font inspired toddler graphics

Shark Truck

Motor Series - Little boys love trucks.

Table Tees - Monster trucks and dunebuggies. I feel like there should be multiple exclamation points here. (!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Music Graphics - Part of a Rock n Roll series

Viking Wear - These went on thermal tops.

Girl's Halloween Graphic

Girls Party Series

Girl's Dancer Series