MasterCard roadblock within's Finance vertical. Roadblock included a billboard ad unit, a branded skin, fixed ad banners and non-UAP's kiosk (not shown).
A series of in-video banners were developed for this program on a 728x90 and 300x250 expandable units. 728x90 is featured in this screengrab.
This campaign also featured an OPA (Over the Page Ad) on Home page providing Master Card with great exposure.
The OPA would expand on click to unveil additional relevant information on MasterCard's products and services.

MasterCard is a long time patron of Univision's Personal Finances content within

Part of MasterCard's program involved the development of billboard ad units as well as expandable in-video banners.

Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Ray Gonzalez
Experienced Marketing Progessional Hollywood, FL